McLean Pond Fishing

Located just west of Calgary, McLean Pond is a popular fishing spot that is regularly stocked with Rainbow Trout. There is also a campground and Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ) not far from the lake.


Mclean Pond Fishing

McLean pond fishing report

Mclean Pond

McLean Pond Directions

McLean pond is located 59 km from Calgary not far from Bragg Creek.

McLean Pond Fishing Tips

The most common fish in the McLean pond is the Rainbow Trout. As in many other smaller stocked lakes, most trout that you will catch will be around 7″-9″. The best time of the year to fish at McLean Pond is early summer after the fish gets released into the lake.

Powerbait usually works great at McLean Pond. However, because McLean Pond is located so close to Calgary it can get busy during the summer and the lake gets pretty fished out by September.

It is also usually a good idea to avoid McLean Pond after a big rain because the water gets pretty muddy and fishing is usually slow when it happens.

McLean Pond Fishing Regulations

Limits for stocked lakes:

  • 5 trout of any size
  • 3 Northern Pike of any size
  • 15 Yellow Perch of any size

Check Alberta Fishing Regulations for up-to date rules.

McLean Pond Fish Stocking Report 2023

FishSize (cm)Number StockedDate
Rainbow Trout21.81807May 19
Rainbow Trout21.32750June 13

Alberta Fishing Regulations | Fish Stocking Reports

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